Playing night rider with three 74HC595s

Night Rider

Connected three 74HC595s in series and entertained myself by simulating KITT from Knightrider. Would have hooked up the fourth one but was running out of realestate and LEDs. I should have a another breadboard in a few days along with some 7 segment leds that I will be hooking up ...

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Serial to Parallel Shifting-Out with a 74HC595

74HC595 Driving 8 Leds

Using the 74HC595 to control 8 leds (outputs) without giving up 8 ports on the arduino uno. Three outputs from the arduino are used to shift the data out in serial to the 74HC595 were it is then parceled out to each of its individual pins. You can link multiple ...

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Playing Music With Remote Control

This was the first experiment I did with Ken Shirrif's Infrared Remote Control Library for the Arduino.

The circuit uses a TSOP382 IR photo sensor to receive the codes from the Clarion remote controller I had lying around. Once the code is received the program then decides which tone ...

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Infra Red Controlled Robot

This is the first experiment I tried with the board of education arduuino robot shield. The experiment involves using Ken Shirrifs IR Library along with any IR Receiver. In order to use this example you will first need to determine what the IR codes are for the transmitter you wish ...

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Raspberry Pi Laptop

I stumbled across this while looking for a low cost portable kbd/mouse/display option for my Raspberry pi. Thought you would find it interesting

Pi Laptop

I like what they have done but would want to have access to the GPIO header and camera port.

Using the Pi 2 as a ...

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