State machine with Arduino

Many systems can be described with state diagram. Therefore they can be implemented with so called State machine code with system delay. System delay can be used in other project too, but I will show you how it works on automation processes example, which State machine is. more ...

Software PWM for controlling LEDs

LED’s brightness can be controlled with Pulse Width Modulation or PWM. Arduino only have so many PWM ports. Did you ever wonder how to control the LED on any Arduino Pin? Here is how you can make it. more ...

35 Week Arduino Class Series Scheduled For 2017

We will be starting a comprehensive 35 week arduino class series designed for anyone interested in learning electronic design and microcontroller programming. No experience is required, and all you need is an Arduino and several low-cost components. The workshops will start on Jan 4th, 2017 and run weekly through Aug 30th, 2017. more ...

Arduino101 BLE Autonomous Rover

This project is an extension of the Arudino101 BLE Rover, where I had supplied some Seeedstudio Skeleton Bot 4WD mobile robotic platform kits to a team conducting a Maker experience for Oakland, CA High School students. The intent of this tutorial is to show how by adding sensors you can create a platform to explore how to program an autonomous self driving vehicle. more ...

Control Arduino Robot Arm with Android App

The LittleArm is a traditionally controlled using a free desktop computer application that runs on Windows and Linux. But this requires that the LittleArm be connected to a computer to be controlled. We finally completed the app for the LittleArm so that you can control the Arduino wirelessly with Bluetooth.. more ...

Neo-Pixel Ring Clock - ESP8266 Controlled

The ESP8266 is perfect for this as has wifi so the time can be gotten over WiFi and it can likewise control the Neopixel Ring. I utilize the Wemos D1 Mini as they are extremely easy to utilize, have a miniaturized scale USB association for power and information, cost just a couple bucks and can be utilized effortlessly with the Arduino IDE. This is an extremely basic venture with basic code and very little in the method for a circuit. more ...

Creating A Simple Relay Board Using Eagle

Figure 1

Here we just do a really simple relay board with two terminal blocks and an omron relay. Below you will see the schematic. I chose the components from the Eagle library which can be accessed from the add component button in the left hand tool ...

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LDR light sensor tutorial

Recently I received a question from a good friend of mine. He wanted to automate blinds on his office window and he wondered how he can measure or detect light. I told him that the simplest solution would be using LDR resistor.

Light Dependent Resistor, also called photoresistor, is resistor ...

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