LCD Button Shield V2 for Arduino by Sparkfun

LCD Button Shield

TheLCD Button Shield from Sparkfun Electronics provides a 16x2 LCD screens along with a keypad consisting of 5 keys — select, up, right, down and left. With this shield you will be able to move through menus and make selections straight from one board attached to your Arduino without requiring ...

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Wireless Arduino Thumb Joystick Shield

Joystick Shield

This shield provides the necessary connections between the joystick and the Arduino so that it can read the joysticks X, Y and Switch readings on it's analog inputs.  I chose to mount the joystick on it's own proto shield instead of mounting it to the prototype area of ...

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Infra Red Remote Controller Shield

IR Shielld

Made use of The Forge makerspace at North Branch library to construct my first Arduino Shield. This shield adds 7 Status LEDs, an Infra Red LED, an Infra Red Receiver and a piezo buzzer.

Signal processing is handled by a great Arduino library written by Ken Shirriff and allows you ...

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