Neo-Pixel Ring Clock - ESP8266 Controlled

The ESP8266 is perfect for this as has wifi so the time can be gotten over WiFi and it can likewise control the Neopixel Ring. I utilize the Wemos D1 Mini as they are extremely easy to utilize, have a miniaturized scale USB association for power and information, cost just a couple bucks and can be utilized effortlessly with the Arduino IDE. This is an extremely basic venture with basic code and very little in the method for a circuit. more ...

Visualizing Music With FFT

The following videos are displaying patterns generated by a Processing program doing real-time FFT (Fast Fourier transform). Basically it is visualizing music in the frequency domain using a polar-coordinate particle system.

The hardware makes use of Adafruit 8x8 neopixles, two 5v 10amp supplies, a FadeCandy controller, 16 AWG stranded wire ...

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NeoPixel 16 Ring Fun

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NeoPixels are fun and amazing. In my project I connected 4 of the AdaFruit NeoPixel - 16 RGBW Leds together. What caught my attention and curiosity was that you can control each of these RGBW Leds using just one wire.This feat is accomplished with a very timing-specific protocol. Since the ...

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