Teach the Particle Photon to Text In 5 Minutes

Have an Internet of Things project idea that needs text capabilities? Let me show you have easy it is to teach your Particle Photon how to text. In fact it's so easy it only takes a few minutes.

What's a Particle Photon?

If you already know what a ...

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Particle Photon - The Buddy System: Publish and Subscribe

Particle Photon

This is a demonstration of the Photons publish and subscribe features. When the photon publishes an event to the cloud it makes that available to other devices that have subscribe to the event.  The other devices is not just limited to other photons but could also be internet connected smart ...

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A Simple LED Clock using Particle Photon


This is a simple LED clock I prototyped following Simon Monks post.

I am using a Particle Photon, a couple 4.7k resistors and a 7 Seg Display with an Adafruit I2C backpack.

The 7-segment LED backpack is obtaining it's power from the VIN pin of the Photon, which ...

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