Joy Stick

Added a second joystick to the shield and use one for forward/back motion and the other for turning.  I find this setup gives better control.

Jeff Branson, from Sparkfun, saw my project on facebook and suggested I submit it to Sparkfun to be added to their project section.  I said I would if I could get some better quality joysticks, like the ones Sparkfun sells :-). I should be receiving those this week and will build up a nicer version and also add some additonal control buttons.

Below is a video of me driving the redbot using the dual joystick conroller.

Code for the redbot


#include <RedBot.h>  // This line "includes" the RedBot library into your sketch.
// Provides special objects, methods, and functions for the RedBot.
RedBotMotors motors; // Instantiate the motor control object. This only needs

#include "notes.h"  // Individual "notes" have been #defined in the notes.h tab to make
// playing sounds easier. noteC4, for example, is defined as 262, the
// frequency for middle C. See the tab above?

RedBotSoftwareSerial XBee;  // version of SoftwareSerial that will work with Redbot

const int buzzerPin = 9;

int xval;
int yval;
int swval=1023;
int leftmotorspeed;
int rightmotorspeed;

float temp;

void setup()
    // Initialize XBee Software Serial port. Make sure the baud
    // rate matches your XBee setting (9600 is default).
    pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);

void loop()

//  if (XBee.available())
    if (XBee.available())
        xval =;
        yval =;
        swval =;
        //xval =;
        //yval =;
        //swval =;

        //normalize the values to a 1 byte value

        temp = (float)xval / (float)255;
        xval = temp * 1023;

        temp = (float)yval / (float)255;
        yval = temp * 1023;

        temp = (float)swval / (float)255;
        swval = temp * 1023;

        xval = map(xval, 0, 1023, -255, 255);
        yval = map(yval, 0, 1023, -255, 255);


    if(swval == 0) 
    //  playSmallWorld();

    if (xval > -40 && xval < 40)            // If we are not turning
        if ((yval < -40) || (yval > 40))    // set motor speed
            rightmotorspeed = yval;
            leftmotorspeed = -yval; 
            rightmotorspeed = 0;
            leftmotorspeed = 0;     

    else if (xval>40)  // Turning Left, are we moving while turning left or 
    {                   // spinning
        if ((yval < -40) || (yval > 40)) // User is moving forward or backwards
            rightmotorspeed = yval;     // drive right motor 100% forward
            leftmotorspeed = -yval/2;   // runt left by slowing left wheel
        else                            // spin
            rightmotorspeed = 200;
            leftmotorspeed = 200;
    else            // We are not going straight or turning left, must be right
        if ((yval < -40) || (yval > 40))    // user is moving forward or backwards
            leftmotorspeed = -yval;
            rightmotorspeed = yval/2;
            rightmotorspeed = -200;
            leftmotorspeed = -200;


void blowhorn()
    tone(buzzerPin, 1000);   // Play a 1kHz tone on the pin number held in
    //  the variable "buzzerPin".
    delay(125);   // Wait for 125ms.
    noTone(buzzerPin);   // Stop playing the tone.

    tone(buzzerPin, 2000);  // Play a 2kHz tone on the buzzer pin

    delay(500);   // delay for 1000 ms (1 second)

    noTone(buzzerPin);       // Stop playing the tone.


void playSmallWorld()
    // we use a custom function below called playNote([note],[duration])
    // to play a note and delay a certain # of milliseconds.
    // Both notes and durations are #defined in notes.h -- WN = whole note,
    // HN = half note, QN = quarter note, EN = eighth note, SN = sixteenth note.
    playNote(noteG5, HN + QN);
    playNote(noteG5, QN);
    playNote(noteB5, HN);
    playNote(noteG5, HN);
    playNote(noteA5, HN + QN);
    playNote(noteA5, QN);
    playNote(noteA5, HN + QN);
    playNote(Rest, QN);
    playNote(noteA5, HN + QN);
    playNote(noteA5, QN);
    playNote(noteC6, HN);
    playNote(noteA5, HN);
    playNote(noteB5, HN + QN);
    playNote(noteB5, QN);
    playNote(noteB5, HN + QN);
    playNote(Rest, QN);
    playNote(noteB5, HN + QN);
    playNote(noteB5, QN);
    playNote(noteD6, HN);
    playNote(noteB5, HN);
    playNote(noteC6, HN + QN);
    playNote(noteC6, QN);
    playNote(noteC6, HN);
    playNote(noteB5, QN);
    playNote(noteA5, QN);
    playNote(noteD5, WN);
    playNote(noteFs5, WN);
    playNote(noteG5, WN);

void playNote(int note, int duration)
// This custom function takes two parameters, note and duration to make playing songs easier.
// Each of the notes have been #defined in the notes.h file. The notes are broken down by
// octave and sharp (s) / flat (b).
    tone(buzzerPin, note, duration);

Code for the JoyStick Controller


// SoftwareSerial is used to communicate with the XBee
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// XBee's DOUT (TX) is connected to pin 2 (Arduino's Software RX)
// XBee's DIN (RX) is connected to pin 3 (Arduino's Software TX)
SoftwareSerial XBee(2, 3); // RX, TX

//values read from joy stick i.e. (0-1023)
int xval = 0;
int yval = 0;
int swval = 0;
int xval2 = 0;
int yval2 = 0;
int swval2 = 0;
float temp;

const int xpin = A1;
const int ypin = A2;
const int swpin = A0;   // this is the

const int xpin2 = A4;
const int ypin2 = A5;
const int swpin2 = A3;

void setup()
    // Initialize XBee Software Serial port. Make sure the baud
    // rate matches your XBee setting (9600 is default).

    // enable pull up on analog pins that are connected to the SEL output
    // of the joystick
    //digitalWrite(A0, HIGH);
    //digitalWrite(A3, HIGH);

void loop()
    xval = analogRead(xpin);
    temp = (float)xval / (float)1023;
    xval = 255 * temp;

    swval = analogRead(swpin);          // only concered if swval is 0
    if (swval != 0) swval = 255;

    yval2 = analogRead(ypin2);
    temp = (float)yval2 / (float)1023;
    yval2 = 255 * temp;

    swval2 = analogRead(swpin2);

    if (swval2 != 0) swval2 = 255;

    XBee.write(xval);  // This first code will be interpreted for steering
    XBee.write(yval2);  // motor drive

    Serial.print("swval = ");
    if (swval == 0) delay(600);  // horn was pressed, give user time to release'

David Riewe

Mon 28 December 2015

Learn more about David Riewe on the Featured Hackers Page.


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