Adding Second Joystick to Joystick Shield for Arduino

Joy Stick

Added a second joystick to the shield and use one for forward/back motion and the other for turning.  I find this setup gives better control.

Jeff Branson, from Sparkfun, saw my project on facebook and suggested I submit it to Sparkfun to be added to their project section.  I ...

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Wireless Arduino Thumb Joystick Shield

Joystick Shield

This shield provides the necessary connections between the joystick and the Arduino so that it can read the joysticks X, Y and Switch readings on it's analog inputs.  I chose to mount the joystick on it's own proto shield instead of mounting it to the prototype area of ...

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Multiplexing Seven Segment Displays

Video explaining what multiplexing is, why we do it and how it is done.  Covers using the Arduino to handle the multiplexing and using a 7219.  Using the 7219 we can control up to 8 seven segment displays while using only 3 pins from the Arduino.  The 7219 also handles ...

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Infra Red Remote Controller Shield

IR Shielld

Made use of The Forge makerspace at North Branch library to construct my first Arduino Shield. This shield adds 7 Status LEDs, an Infra Red LED, an Infra Red Receiver and a piezo buzzer.

Signal processing is handled by a great Arduino library written by Ken Shirriff and allows you ...

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8x16 LED matrix controlled by 2 MAX7219's

8x8 LED Matrix

Expanding on my experiment with the MAX7219 controlling an 8x8 LED Matrix I added a second one. Both of the 8x8 displays and controllers were part of kits that couldn't fit neatly side by side, but the concept can still be demonstrated.

Using the circuit layout of the MAX7219 ...

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MAX7219 and 8x8 LED Matrix on breadboard


I popped the MAX7219 and 8x8 LED Matrix from the kit and made it a little more social (watch video to see what I mean).  Using the MAX7219 requires only 3 pins from the arduino, a couple capacitors and resistor.  All the multiplexing is handled by the chip.  When writing ...

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