The Learning Lab Kit on a Shield for Arduino

Learning Shield

Received this Learning Lab Kit on a Shield for Arduino from Programming Electronics Academy today and am very pleased.  

The Learning Lab Kit on a Shield for Arduino is meant to help you save time – it basically pre-populates common circuits for you.

Circuits that you might already have learned quite ...

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Arduino GPS Clock


I built the Arduino GPS Clock by Tony DiCola over at Adafruit. The clock was very cool, setting it's time from the satellites, however, I soon started feeling like I was wasting my GPS shield by only using it to get time. So I decided to use the RGB ...

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Particle Photon - The Buddy System: Publish and Subscribe

Particle Photon

This is a demonstration of the Photons publish and subscribe features. When the photon publishes an event to the cloud it makes that available to other devices that have subscribe to the event.  The other devices is not just limited to other photons but could also be internet connected smart ...

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A Simple LED Clock using Particle Photon


This is a simple LED clock I prototyped following Simon Monks post.

I am using a Particle Photon, a couple 4.7k resistors and a 7 Seg Display with an Adafruit I2C backpack.

The 7-segment LED backpack is obtaining it's power from the VIN pin of the Photon, which ...

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Syncing Oscilloscope To Interrupt Activity


Debugging interrupt service routines can be very tricky.  It's not like you can print out variabes to the serial port as you might when debugging code outside the interrupt.  One way you can can get some idea of what your code is doing in the ISR is to pulse ...

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Adafruit Wave Shield

wave Shield

Here is a shield for Arduino that makes adding quality sound to your products easy.

It can play up to 22KHz, 12bit uncompressed audio files of any length. 

It's low cost, available as an easy-to-make kit. 

It has an onboard DAC, filter and op-amp for high quality output. 

Audio ...

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LCD Button Shield V2 for Arduino by Sparkfun

LCD Button Shield

TheLCD Button Shield from Sparkfun Electronics provides a 16x2 LCD screens along with a keypad consisting of 5 keys — select, up, right, down and left. With this shield you will be able to move through menus and make selections straight from one board attached to your Arduino without requiring ...

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